Pet Obsession: Doesn't everyone have one?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sometimes I feel 100% completely unnaturally obsessed with my dog. He is not necessarily the most well behaved, or the most handsome, or even the sweetest, calmest, or most cuddly, but is his mine.

I grew up with a black labrador retriever (Pepper) who died of cancer (which had taken over his entire body) when I was 18, and choosing a new dog for my family was an extremely difficult (albeit impossible because we originally weren't going to get a new dog until we saw Niku) decision. When we met him it was like fate. He was the fattest in his litter and the happiest… he even had a dog grin which was the most exciting part.

For a dog he has a lot of strange characteristics.. he chases bee's regularly, he doesn't like beer, he sorts his food (I need to make a vine video of this) and his favorite thing to play with is a wine cork.

He's a handful and a spaz... but most importantly he's ours, and he's family.

Who is the best non-human addition to your family?


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  1. I completely know how you feel ! I am completely obsessed with my pooch as well! Dogs are seriously the best friends.

  2. Niku!!!! He is SOOOO handsome! Love his crazy adorable eyes. Obviously you know who my favorite non human family member is :P

    xox Lara


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