Smart Lash: Day 45

Sunday, April 7, 2013

About a month or so I bought a product from called Smart Lash, which claims to lengthen and thicken your lashes within 60 days without a prescription (like Latisse)

Originally I was super super stoked to try this hoping it would be a miracle worker, but I sit here on day 45 feeling large amounts of disappointment. (I know, I still have a few more days!)

Though my lashes aren't any longer, they are certainly thicker, and with the addition of mascara they definitely appear fuller and longer than before.

I don't know if I would continue to pay 125$ for this product (I got lucky and scored a "deal" from the website and paid only like $30) because I'm pretty positive you can get a prescription for Latisse for like the same price, and that literally has insane results.

But if you have sparse lashes it might be something to try if you can swoop that introductory offer.

**(Also some things to consider is that around the same time I started taking the supplement Biotin & Cod Liver Oil, so maybe that has also influenced my lashes too.)


  1. Oh my, your lashes look amazing! I should buy this product and see if it works for me!


    1. It's definitely worth a try if you can get it at that locked in 30$ price!

  2. Hi doll- love your new blog space.

    Hope you're well!


    1. Thanks girl! I'm happy with it too.. kind of. Still working out the kinds of moving over to a new domain :]

  3. Good thing you were able to get a sample of this instead of footing the full price!

    PS - I nominated you for the Leibster Award! Details at my blog :)

    xox Lara

    1. I saw this, I'm getting to it I swear. I have been busy/lazy so I will try to have it up by tomorrow!
      love you!


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