Product Of The Week: Moroccan Oil Treatment

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I love this stuff. I would buy Moroccan oil everything.. the smell alone is addicting.. But when it comes to this 'treatment', idk what it is about the formula but it actually a great product for moisturizing those dry ends.

My favorite thing about this product is actually how versatile it is since you can use it on both wet and dry hair and it doesn't leave you looking greasy at all.

Since I have what feels like the splittiest ends ever, I rub this stuff on the ends after showers or post-styling and it really helps soften and defrizz everything.

(The size pictures happens to be the travel size, but I will definitely be upgrading to the full size when this baby runs out)


  1. I've never tried Moroccan oil before. I'll have to take your word for it on the whole not greasy thing - that's my biggest issue with oils. Maybe I'll give this one a try!

    xox Lara

    1. You definitely should.. I think the travel/trial size was like 15$, which is a lot but honestly its a product I'm so so so in love with, I totally recommend it for dry ends, and you only need the smallest drop!

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