All the stuff I want right now.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The season is changing and I just noticed today that my wardrobe is seriously lacking cooler weather appropriate pieces. I can blame my lack of fall/winter preparedness on two things: 1. I live in California, where it's *almost* always 70 degrees year round, and 2. I'm a tank top addict. I buy sleeveless things without a second thought and when this time of year rolls around I'm always ripping apart my dresser to find a something with sleeves I can comfortably wear for more than 50% of the day.

Here is a list of things I would really like to incorporate into my wardrobe if I had a million dollars to spend on a new wardrobe. Or, I guess I don't really need a million dollars, but wouldn't it be nice?

1. This totally adorable ASOS PETITE Exclusive Stripe Maxi Dress ($50.63)
2. This rocker-esque Wilfred Free Mueller T-shirt ($50)
3. These little Mixx Shuz tan ankle booties, because duh! ($55)
4. A leopard print scarf to add a little pop to my normally monochromatic wardrobe. ($68)
5. Flannel. It's pretend we're all lumberjacks season. ($55)
6. Black leather gloves. Are gloves cool? I think they're neat, it's not ever really cold enough to wear gloves in the Bay Area, but they're still pretty awesome right? Right? ($33)
7. A new fragrance to add to my little collection. (Bergamont & Cucumber, $60)
8. Wilfred Free Daria faux leather leggings. Edgy with a dash of comfort. ($135)

What items are your fall wishlist?



  1. Craving new ankle boots right now, too! Perfect for fall. :)



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