Strawberry Bruschetta and Mint Iced Tea

Sunday, June 9, 2013

My family loves to entertain. I have to admit living at home mostly stinks, but it can be really fun to make food for all the family friends that come over. Sunday nights I can count on a big dinner and lots of people and I usually take charge of appetizers and sides.

This weekend one of our family friends decided to bring ingredients for strawberry bruschetta (which I was originally skeptical about) that actually turned out great and was extremely simple to put together (and I actually highly recommend if you're throwing a dinner party and want an easy app). It was sweet, savory and totally delicious. I only wish I had grabbed the exact proportions for the recipe.

(It mixed cream and bleu cheese on toasted baguette with fresh strawberries and chopped chives).

On top of the easy h'orderves, I love to help my family provide cocktails, or refreshments that would otherwise not be included during dinner. Lately I have been really into making iced mint tea, which is a year round favorite hot or cold.

(To make a pitcher: Steep 4-5 mint tea bags in 1 cup boiled water. Remove bags, set aside (compost, reuse for another batch, or toss) add 1tsp of honey or agave mix and then add water and ice to taste.) 


  1. Yum - I wouldn't think that strawberry bruschetta would be an ideal appetizer but it looks amazing!

    xox Lara

    1. I totally didn't think so either but the bleu cheese really made it a savory starter and it worked!

  2. omg!! mint iced teas are the best summer thirst quencher!! :D

    Click me for my NEW BLOG!

    1. Mint Iced Tea might be the greatest invention ever.


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