Acai Breakfast "smoothie" Bowl

Monday, October 21, 2013

Acai (ah-sai-ee) bowls are delicious. If you've never had the opportunity to try an acai bowl, they're incredibly easy to make at home if you have a blender and access to a Sprouts or Whole Paycheck that supplies little packets of Acai. I first had one at a little Brazillian cafe in Santa Cruz. Since I liked them so much I had to figure out a way to make them at home, and now that I know, I make them all the time.

If you're not familiar, Acai is a Brazillian superfood touted for its anti-aging and weight loss properties. The Acai berry itself is full of antioxidants and all kinds of omegas. Despite the fact that I'm pretty sure most research regarding the health benefits (weight loss and anti-aging) are inconclusive, it still tastes pretty awesome and it's a good source of vitamins either way.

To make an acai bowl you'll need:

Fresh fruit! I usually go for chopped strawberries or bananas
1 pack of Sambazon, broken into pieces and blended with some coconut water.
1/2 cup of your favorite granola.

1. Blend together your frozen acai pack and enough coconut water to get it to your desired consistency, I like mine a little watery so everything gets mixed up great, usually less than a 1/4 cup will do it but more or less depending on your preferences. (Sometimes I get crazy and like to add about 1/4 of frozen blueberries or pineapple too).
2. In a bowl, layer the acai mixture on the bottom, granola, and then finally top with the fresh fruit of your choice. I did bananas here, but like I said earlier you could definitely throw some chopped strawberries, or even some shredded coconut  on top.
 3. Enjoy! Some people like to mix up their bowls, but I like to eat mine bite, by bite.

What are some Acai bowl combinations you'd like to try?



  1. Looks so yummy! Great way to start your day :)

  2. omg, I am hungry :) looks delicious


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